If you would like to schedule a virtual training, behavior or nutritional consult via Zoom, with Stacy or a member of her team, please email Stacy at wwwdogs@me.com, and she will schedule at your convenience.

Who's Walking Who SATO

Who's Walking Who offers a wide range of dog behavioral training services including obedience training classes, at-home consultations, at-home (Fast Track) training and nutritional guidance.  We have proven expertise from training puppies with the basic need-to-know commands and K9 etiquette to more complex behavioral issues like anxiety, fear and aggression.
At Who's Walking Who we take on a holistic view when diagnosing a behavioral issue, and analyze the Whole Dog.  We believe that enhancing these key factors in your dog's life will result in a more balanced and happy family pet:  Nutrition, Exercise, Socialization, Obedience.
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Contact Us for a behavioral consultation or private lessons.
Click here for available Group Classes